CCS News
Two open staff scientist positions for flow cytometry and advanced microscopy
Open position for biologists or BMAs
SAVE THE DATE: 7th International CCS-CLL (virtual) Conference on May 12-14 2022
New publication of the Wessler lab on H. pylori infections in gastric cancer
Kurt Zopf Prize Awarded to Iris Gratz
Open PhD position in molecular cancer research (CCS-LIMCR lab AG Geisberger)
Hypomethylating agents as preferred therapy for higher-risk CMML patients
Breast cancer study published in The New England Journal of Medicine
CCS researchers identify new drug target for cancer therapy
CCS-CLL Conference 2021 - Thank you for your participation!
Updated preliminary program of the upcoming 6th International CCS-CLL conference
Updated Program for Virtual CCS-CLL Conference in May 2021
New FWF grant on NLRP3 signaling in AML awarded to CCS member Jutta Horejs-Hoeck
International Award for Science & Research 2020 goes to Prof. Richard Greil
CCS scientists win PLUS Young Investigator Awards 2020
Master Thesis on Extra-Cellular Vesicles as Shuttles for Cancer Drugs and Virulence Factors
Preliminary Program of the Upcoming CCS-CLL Workshop in May 2021
Upcoming CCS/CLL Workshop held online on May 20-22, 2021
CCS researchers identify immunosuppressive mechanisms in skin cancer development
CCS researchers provide new insights into oncogenic signals and mechanisms of cancer drug actions